Saturday, October 25, 2014

Jist yur run-of-the-mill French truck stop

Four months later and I'm still writing about my artists' trip to France with Margaret Dyer. This will be the last of it I think, but I just had to shoot this little pictorial your way. Our hosts, Kippy and Jerome, called this a local "truck stop" but it shore ain't lookin' like any truck stop we have around these here parts in Texas. Welcome to Le Relais, near Fontaine-Fourches, France. It was a collectors paradise and truly a visual experience!

The vintage teddy bear collection was next to my place at the table. At first I was a little creeped out but soon enough they became my friends. One of them held my cell phone while I ate.

Our fabulous group of artists!
These were the most charming porridge bowls for children. They are hollow on the inside, you unscrew the little gold birdie, and fill the inside with hot water so that the porridge stays warm. I wanted one. Good thing the teddy bears were watching closely ... one of these might have found its way into my purse. ;-))

A beautiful collection of pitchers. Most of them seemed to be Majolica but I didn't dare pick one up to check.
These gorgeous enamel coffeepots were my favorite collection there! There were so many! This photo shows  about half of them.
Embroidered samplers galore!
Antique sewing machines and baskets.
There is a name for these precious figures. Kippy, help me out ... what is it?
Last but not least ... my dessert. A lovely little cherry clafouti. Délicieux!


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